Thursday, February 11, 2010

Does the media make it clear that Obama has 150 delegates MORE than Hillary?

Why are they pretending she's winning because she won 4 more delegates than Obama last Tuesday, but lost 11 states so far?Does the media make it clear that Obama has 150 delegates MORE than Hillary?
No they don't and CNN will not mention that Hillary will have to over ride the votes of the people to get the nomination.

Super delegates are not smarter than the American people the most votes and delegates should get the nomination.

If a super delegate running for office votes against the will of the people they should be voted out of office.Does the media make it clear that Obama has 150 delegates MORE than Hillary?
They aren't... I've seen the Obama lead discussed on several national political programs. Also the fact that Clinton has no real chance of narrowing the gap.

Obama 2008
you are incorrect check facts please

Hillary ready with solutions not words
Doesn't matter, the super delegates will give the nomination to Hillary. Get ready for Watts!
According to the NY Times delegate breakdown Obama only has 37 more pledged delegates than Hillary, this is hardly a landslide and she could easily make this up in Pennsylvania.
They are still trying to figure out a way to steal the election from him. Don't let them.
Does the media make it clear that they are both idiots???????????????????????????
I haven't seen anyone claim she's winning, only that it's still a race.

According to CNN, Obama currently has 135 more pledged delegates than Clinton. When you count in the superdelegates that have declared (even if they're not bound by that), he's ahead by 96.

The last news broadcast I saw that referred to the delegates was local news this afternoon... they said Obama had the lead by ';nearly a hundred';, IIRC, so that station at least seems to be consistent with CNN's latter number.
Because by popular vote she is more electable since she has more experience, and people votes are the ones that have the say. Thank God because Obama is just not cut out for the job. He doesn't dare to open his mouth as to what his plans are, or disclosing his financial statement, afraid he'll open it the wrong way and loose more ground. That he will as he hasn't cut his teeth yet. Sorry ! Hillary has it all over him and has proved her ability to handle the press and all the negativity that has been put out on her. I would rather have her and Bill in there as he has ties with the dignitaries, and leaders from other countries and is still well liked. Two heads are better then one without a clue. Good Luck!
It's really laughable , because the news media is running the whole election. It's more fun than watching Saturday night live. Every time one of them gets a delegate; they say they win LOL

The news people are near exhaustion, in their hectic ferocity of driving the candidates, like horses down a race track, kicking , screaming , eye gouging, head butting, as they are going down the back stretch --------LMO
Counting both pledged and super delagates Obama is leading by 102 delagates. Because of proportonial representation in each primary, Hillary would have to win every remaining primary by a margin of 65% to 35% in order to draw even by the last primary.

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