Thursday, February 11, 2010

Why do people listen to the polls of the liberal media? when its clear that palin won the debate!?

of course the liberal media is going to say that biden won...but those of you who actually watched the debate...its clear that palin won....she smoked biden!Why do people listen to the polls of the liberal media? when its clear that palin won the debate!?
Because libs and democrats are easily swayed

I mean come one you leftists, stop the lies for once and lets face reality.

We know the majority of the media is left leaning...why else have they made such big deals about larry Craig and every other republican that's stepped in it yet you rarely hear such a big hoorah for the democrats doing the same if not worse. Can anyone remember or did anyone ever know the name of the prominent democratic senator running a prostitution ring out of his house ? I doubt most of you do.

Why else did 94% of the media vote for Bill Clinton. There's proof every day that the media is liberal.

But most libs and democrats just want to be told they are right, they don't actually want to know the truth. Nevermind that the polls are tainted liberally so easily by the media asking a lower percentage of republicans VS democrats the same question. The demographics of the polls are not equal and are tainted at best....yet you will claim victory based on faulty information.

That is why I don't respect the democratic party nor will I vote for any candidate they come up with until they clean house.

Kick out those liars like Pelosi, Kennedy, Jack Mertha, Harry Reid, Dodds, the list goes on and on and on. When will you get a brain and realize a promise is only as good as the person's likelyhood to fullfill it ? And all Obama can do is promise, even his own side says he can't pay for it. Get educationed or get out of the vote race, because we don't need the stupid, the ignorant or proud screwing up elections.Why do people listen to the polls of the liberal media? when its clear that palin won the debate!?
This is what I got out of the debate...

Palin didn't answer any of the question asked of her. All she wanted to do was talk about what she had memorized.

Biden answered every question asked of him with great detail.

Palin didn't defend any of Biden's attacks on McCain's policies (Ex. McCain's health care plan)

Every attack Palin tried to put on Biden, Biden replied with a great answer. (Ex. Palin: ';Obama voted to raise taxes 97 times!'; Biden: ';The standard she is using is a joke, but using the same standard, McCain voted the same way 400+ times'; Palin: ';.....';)

McCain is the only person in USA that thinks we should keep sending troops to Iraq and not focus on the real problem (Afghanistan)

Obama wants to set a time line to pull troops out of Iraq (because Iraq has $80 billion and we shouldn't keep spending our money when Iraq isn't even the problem in the first place) and apply more of our focus on Afghanistan (the real problem)
All the real political analysts say Biden won because Biden did a good job of addressing questions while Palin did an awkward ballet around subjects she's obviously unfamiliar with. Only the pundits say Palin won. Even the bipartisan analysts on Fox say Biden did the best but.....

It seems middle-america thinks Palin won. They liked the way she talked down to the views in her folksy venacular. They felt like they could relate to her. I suppose her saying ';maverick'; 20 some odd times really resonated with the American status quo.
Yeah, Palin did win... the debate on who can act more like a poster board vice president. How bout when she dodged the question about gay marriage? or my personal favorite, every single time she couldn't answer the question, she would bring up ';My energy producing state Alaska... or, All the soccer moms out there!'; Shes a joke, she was chosen because she is female, not because she is qualified. There's a reason why shes in charge of one of the most un-populated places in the world. Oh, and how about when she said Biden didn't know what it was like to be a single parent? HAHA Hes been through more than she has with his family.
Wow, what have you been smoking??

Palin did perform MUCH better than I expected. But she didn't really even participate in the debate, just gave her memorized little speeches, sometimes in response to a question, sometimes totally unrelated to the topic at hand.

Biden was very good, answered questions, and treated Palin far better than she deserved.
Were you watching the liberal media right after the vote? They really couldn't come up with anything bad to say about Palin, in fact, they were saying great things about her.

But, when they all woke up in the morning, they put on their ogre masks and went right back to work on their Obama Mania Media Propaganda.
Yes, the liberal media have a very hard time swallowing their defeat. All the Palin haters were on their couches with their popcorn last night waiting for her to fall on her face. I loved that she did so well but even then they won't stop with the stupid things like ';did you see that little girl holding that baby?'; What that has to do with the debate I'll never know but it keeps coming up. Stupidity at its finest I guess.

I know right after the debate everyone that spoke said that Palin did woman said she ';killed';. From my perspective, they both did a fine job. It was a good debate, informative and somewhat entertaining at times.
she won nothing.. she has no experience and it surely shows.

it shows so much it's scarey.

i'm tired of corrupt ';new world order'; republicans.. time for a pot smoking demo to come back in office.

sorry, that's how i feel now days.. no insult to you... i understand how you feel but i'm soooooo tired now.

being out of work and my business ruined, no health care and all this unfinished business from the bush administration.. i'm ready for a dem again.

like with the clinton years... oh, clinton why! why did you mess up? you were a great man in comparision to all that crap we had since ford.

Really...I dont consider actually forming complete sentances for once winning. Nor do I consider someone who refused to answer questions and was contstantly changing the topic to an area she was comfortable in a winner.

I am also embarassed that some one who speaks like she is from the back woods could be represently our country- you betcha.

FYI I'm unaffiliated. But that woman disgusts me.
Fox is McCain central and even they say that Biden won. If you call saying memorized programed answers winning then you really don't have a clue as to what is going on in the real world and your favorite thing to do is to have something sugar coated.
The media has polls that state the facts. Whether you like it or not, Biden won. If not, please explain how Palin won. Did she win by just criticizing liberals the whole time, and not even answer the questions? No wait I forgot, that's how she lost.
The ';liberal media'; I've seen has made it clear that she impressed everyone and that, in a way, THIS was a win.

However, no, she didn't win based on polling actual real life people.
righto! all that seductive come hither winking, folksy ';you betchas';, side stepping of questions and spewing of canned responses sure convinced me that she's ready to take over the Oval Office in a moments notice.
I'm hoping you made drew that conclusion just to get a reaction!

She couldn't speak on anything that she didn't have notes on. Let's change the topic to energy. I just can't wait til Saturday night to see the reenactment.
Clear to whom? Palin didn't answer ANY of the questions. Not a one, and Cons want to scream victory. I mean gosh, how could she win with such a bigoted and biased moderator.
She smoked something anyway.

Sorry bro, she didn't win, she beat ';expectations';. Evidently everyone expected her to trip and knock over the podium.
If you mean that she avoided answering most of the questions when you say smoked then sure. Biden didnt avoid the questions.
Why does it have to be this way? And what were you watching? Palin wasn't even at the debate...she was in her own little world. Not answering Gwens' questions like she was sittin up there for her health.
keep deluding yourself. Even non-partisan sites, like Rasmussen Reports, shows that Palin didn't win.
You mean the liberal media like Fox, whose poll showed Biden 61 Palin 39? That liberal media?
How exactly does one ';win'; a political debate? Is it scored like a high school debate?

It doesn't matter who says what about the winners of the debates. It's not like they get bonus votes at election time.
The liberal media myth has been debunked more times than i can count.

Do your homework before posting.
If by winning you mean saying Ahmedinejad the most times... then yeah sure she won.

But if you mean acutal debatable facts, plans, platforms, and knowledge... lol. You're joking right?
Biased liberal

always call

red, blue

Even when

they see

truth, truth

not matter

Only matters

to be right

when wrong

I don't think we saw the same debate. Palin was good, I don't know about her smoking anyone. All she did was blow smoke at the questions by avoiding them! That's the debate I saw. What did you watch?
u r still waitin for godot. but i think she didnt ma herself look lik an *** she alright. but it was not a race i think biden was very sincere and backed obama and inforced his values sara said what....
Only the threat of a firearm would make me vote for Obama and Biden but I still fail to understand how Palin strengthens McCain's candidacy
Dude I am sure if liberal media said Palin won

i don't think you would have asked this question

therefore the bias is not coming from the media but from you
I suppose it is a matter of opinion, I watched the debate and I agree that Biden won.
It's not the media who are saying Biden won it's the peoples who took their polls you just don't get it Palin lost lmao
Why listen to liberal reality when you can just make up your own reality and live in it?

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