Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Folks: Why do politicians manipulate the U.S Media ? It is so clear they do it and we know it!.... Why?

It is clear that they want us to believe Israel have the right to invade lands and posses WMD.

It is clear that they want us to believe that Islam and catholicism are wrong.

It is clear that they don't want to face the fact we lost war on drugs and war on Indians!

It is clear that they want to criminalize undocumented immigrants and ignore corruption in the U.S side.

It is clear that they want us to believe that Bush is doing well and that republicans are conservatives despite they act so liberal!

B.S'tFolks: Why do politicians manipulate the U.S Media ? It is so clear they do it and we know it!.... Why?
because they can get away with it. certain people own the big media companies and can sway what they broadcast depending in their own personal views. and so far, this is still earning them money.

if people held them accountable and it hit them in the pocketbooks, it would stop, or at least be reduced.Folks: Why do politicians manipulate the U.S Media ? It is so clear they do it and we know it!.... Why?
They do it to justify their actions and to attempt to gain the popularity of the population.
It could only be to control us. They have even tried to make us believe in global warming.
Are you just Trolling tonight or are you really that clueless
Because the media only cares about subscriptions and advertisers. They even make up fictitious news, take the case of all the media hype of the Jena 6. The media reported the news when the only sources the reporters had was the bloggers.
I would say it was the other way around. The Media asks the questions, and either a politician agrees to be on their program, and answers them, or they refuse to answer by not coming on their program, much like Barrack Obama, and Hillary Clinton have refused to accept an invitation by Fox News. (Obama did accept one invitation by the Hannity and Colmes program but later made up a lie, and backed out).

Hillary refused at a press conference to answer a question by a reporter whether or not she knew Peter Paul, the man she took so much money from, for her illegal campaign funding.
Well, i dont agree with you on everything.

But I do agree that

1. Bush is a Neocon

2. Mainstream media is democrat %26amp; neocon

3. ';Republicans'; who stick up for bush ARE Neocon

4. Corporations, Stock Values, North American Union, NAFTA Superhighway ,Neocons %26amp; Democrats benefit from illegal aliens. It keeps the Prison system business going %26amp; tickles the bums of south america!

Neocons %26amp; Democrats love to use our Warriors as police to guard foreign countries borders as we leave ours open! Train a man to kill, then expect him to be a candy dispencer in a 3rd world country!

Neocons HATE real Conservatives. To the point of calling them liberals. Ron Paul is a example of a true Conservative. Neocons call him a Democrat when the difference couldnt be more obvious.

Mainstream media is OWNED by the same few people. Seeing that, all you need to do is look at those people, and the international thinktanks thye belong to. They have globalist views and US is only a Taxpayer economy they look to control to fund projects around the world. Media is a bunch of theatre f*ags who spend the day in a makeup chair and read a teleprompter, so you cant blame them or expect them to do anything.
It is clear that you have not an fing clue what the f you are talking about.

You need a date, don't you?
You are not clear.

In America we do not hear about

1. Israel %26amp; wmd

2. religions ... not Islam anyway

3. war on Indians? wt which Indians?

4. illegal immigrants have been debated 20+ yrs yes

5. Most portray the idea Bush stinks.

Republican's as liberal? What country are you from.

Seriously? NO BS . But thanks for asking US.
i will not debate all this but the smart politicians know how to make the media spin a story in their benefits and dull ones are always humiliated because they do not know anything about mass control

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